Media Coverage
"Pedal your way to productivity"
- BYTE, September, 1994
"Driving a computer like a car"
- The New York Times, February 26, 1995
"... control keys with your feet, which are less susceptible
to Repetitive Strain Injury than your hands."
- PC Magazine, August, 1994
"For those who have injured both hands and voice, don't
despair. There are still the feet. Bilbo Innovations Inc. in Madison,
Wis., sells a set of foot pedals ... They don't replace the keyboard,
but can reduce typing. No talking necessary."
- The Wall Street Journal, August 17, 1995
"Step up your typing speed with Step On It keyboard control
- Windows Magazine, April 1995
"... you need firepower now. And you get it with STEP ON
IT! from Bilbo Innovations."
- Electronic Entertainment, October, 1994
"Here's a good reason to put your foot down!"
- New Hardware Product News, America Online, September, 1994
"A company with the unlikely name of Bilbo is set to change
the way you think of your keyboard."
- Computer Game Review, September, 1994
"Use STEP ON IT! with your games, and you'll switch from
joystick to keyboard less often"
- Home PC, April 1995
"I've also developed one macro, activated by my left
foot, to relieve my index finger from double-clicking..."
- Computer Life, March 1995
"Aside from the convenience, STEP ON IT! could be a blessing
to those with carpal tunnel syndrome..."
- Craig Crossman, the host of Computer America radio show, October, 1994
"Pedal seen as way to cut injuries"
- San Jose Mercury News, March 7, 1995
"PC pedals rolled out as remedy for repetitive-strain injuries"
- Chicago Tribune, March 19, 1995
"...why not bring your feet in on the act?"
- PC/Computing, June, 1995
"Ideal for the manually challenged -- and a nifty add-on
for computer game users ..."
- Newsweek Japan, May 7, 1995
STEP ON IT! pedals were labeled part of The Input Revolution,
by PBS's Computer Chronicles, in their TV coverage of the
COMDEX/Fall'94 show. They were also covered by the local Las Vegas
ABC station, and by COMDEX Show Daily, as new products
of particular interest.
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